Recipient Highlight on Community Giving at MIT

We are proud to announce that Sitters Without Borders has been listed on Community Giving at MIT and we are its current recipient highlight! 

Community Giving at MIT is a workplace giving program within the MIT Community Services Office that focuses on local 501(c)(3) health and human service agencies. The program provides MIT faculty, staff, and retirees with an opportunity to make their charitable donations via payroll deductions, check, credit card, or securities (without any deduction on administrative or credit card fees, and 100% of donations go to the charity of choice). Community Giving at MIT also hosts charity events and fundraisers in partnership with local agencies.

MIT faculty, staff, and retirees can easily make and manage their donations on their online donation system, Atlas, and conveniently spread their donations over the calendar year by payroll deduction or make a one-time gift by credit card using Atlas (MIT certificates are required).

If you are one of MIT faculty, staff, or retirees (or know someone who is), click here (or forward the link/this post) to find out more on how to make your donation. Don't forget to make Sitters Without Borders your charity of choice! Here are other ways you can get involved with us: volunteer or donate directly!

Sitters Without Borders is a first of its kind non-profit organization that offers free to low-cost weekly babysitting services to low-income mothers attending college in the Greater Boston area. Our volunteer sitters are committed to assisting mothers with childcare responsibilities, allowing them to pursue higher education and elevate their economic position.
Snapshot: Sunday, January 14, 2018

Snapshot: Sunday, January 14, 2018